I do not understand
What it feels like
To be one of your treasured creations.
The disconnect
Between my true value
And the actuality of the crude metals—
Laced with poisonous words—
That I frame myself with
Proves to be the insuppressible fountainhead
Of my professed worthlessness.
How does it feel, Abba,
To live free of demonic doubt
Turning words or actions of love
Into witnesses to be interrogated—
Every leading question points
Towards my own insignificance.
How can I acknowledge your infinite worth
And forget the dust that composes
My mind and bones—
How can I see you without feeling shame?
Guilt, Father, guilt!
Show me when I am not perfect—
What I have done wrong—
And the flaw of my sin and shortcoming
Crushes the joy out of me
Like the coils of the Leviathan.
Do you see me?
Does anyone see me?
I feel so…
Christ rescued me from my sins,
But who will come to save me
From my hardened, breaking heart—
Shards of stone piercing ever deeper
Into my pre-existing pain.
I am Your light,
I am loving—
Yet the sun shines
Even for the blind man
Who cannot see him.
Why God?
Why do I feel
So faceless, so meaningless…
So unlovable—
Who wants to hold the glossed vase
Filled with burning acid?
O Mighty Father,
Where are you?
Do you love me?
Does anybody love
This catastrophic mess of sanity?
Abba, Abba!
Take this uncommon water,
Turn me to wine—
From this pitiful basket
Of a few loaves and fishes,
Satiate my groaning stomach
With measureless endurance.
You are amazing. You are loved. <3